Applications open for Gilles Peterson & Brownswood Music’s “Future Bubblers” Music Discovery Programme

  • To find and mentor 10 of the UK’s freshest music creatives
  • A no barriers opportunity - four ways to apply for chance to be mentored by industry specialists
  • Josephine Chime designed “Demo Drop Off Box”

Announced in April, ‘Future Bubblers’ is a three year talent discovery, mentoring and development programme – the extension of a concept developed over many years by DJ and Brownswood record label owner, Gilles Peterson. The project aims to find and then support 10 of the UK’s freshest grassroots musicians, rappers and beat makers, via professional networks, mentorship and profile raising opportunities.The application process is now open, with the Future Bubblers team ready to receive music submissions.  Proud to offer a ‘no barrier opportunity’, there are no less than four ways musicians can apply. The Future Bubblers homepage details a clear breakdown of the various application routes available:1. “So you want to be a Future Bubbler?”An online submission form to get applicants music and information to the team. All that’s needed is a Soundcloud / Youtube link to send through with some basic information.2. “So you want to recommend a Future Bubbler?”Future Bubblers works with the understanding that not every exciting new music talent has the self confidence / resources to put themselves forward for this opportunity. And so this “recommendation” path - where local music organisations / studio + rehearsal room owners / promoters/ teachers etc can make suggestions on BEHALF of Future Bubblers - is a unique part of the process. Of course, it’s requested that this is all done with some level of consent...3. Old school demo hand-inFrom early June music store partners in the scheme’s focus cities – currently Nottingham and Salford – will be ready and waiting for the applicant’s CDR, USB or however they want to kick it. The “On Road” section of the Future Bubblers website will publish details of where to find these ‘drop offs’ in each selected city. Applicants will fill out a short demo submission form in-store and post it into one of the wonderfully futuristic demo post boxes designed by the creative talent Josephine Chime. This is all about encouraging people to engage with music, talk about it and see value in it.4. “Local Digs” Future Bubblers wants to go even more old school. The team and a select bunch of the mentor panel will be making moves to come and witness the talent potential in the focus cities. This is all linked to the focus on raw talent and those potential applicants who don’t have access to studio recording facilities.  They can email to register interest and tell the team a bit more about what they do. It’s not an audition, it’s an exploration.Applications close on 7th August.  The Future Bubblers will be selected in September and offered a unique and bespoke mentoring opportunity giving them music industry insights, tools and the self-confidence towards achieving their individual artistic ambitions. The Future Bubblers programme will help to unlock doors for artists, promoting creative freedom without commercial pressure and helping artists to develop skills and flourish locally.“We really don’t want there to be any reason why someone wouldn’t apply for this opportunity”, said Gilles Peterson. “Just because you can’t deal with a 500 word application essay, haven’t got to grips with Soundcloud, or haven’t been given the chance to get in and lay your talent down, doesn’t mean you don’t have that raw musical gift.”Future Bubblers are creating bases in Nottingham and Salford in year one, with a third Future Bubblers city to be nominated by the public via the website. Although Nottingham and Salford are focus cities, applications will be welcome from across the UK.For more information visit === ends ===NOTES:Brownswood Music is now an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation.Funders & SupportersBrownswood is grateful to Arts Council England, Help Musicians UK, Generator Hostels, Ableton, Crate Brewery, and Rough Trade Nottingham for their funding and support.


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